Scottsdale, Arizona
April 23 - 26, 2025

Scottsdale, Arizona
April 23 - 26, 2025

Congratulations! You have been selected to join us for this exclusive three-day Circle of Excellence trip at the stunning Boulders Resort in Scottsdale, Arizona from April 23 - 26, 2025. You will be able to enjoy this time with your fellow colleagues who have earned the Circle of Excellence trip while surrounded by breathtaking scenery and adventure.
The following pages have been prepared to help you plan for your trip. Once you have reviewed the website, please complete the registration process by submitting your information online.
Next Steps:
1. Confirm Your Spot for this Exciting Journey!
To secure your participation in this exciting trip, please submit your registration information no later than Friday, March 14. This will confirm your spot and ensure all necessary arrangements are made for a smooth and enjoyable journey.
Your stay includes one (1) activity to select at registration. Review the Activities page to explore all that is available.
If you would like to extend your stay at the beautiful Boulders Resort, please review the FAQs.
2. Book your air travel by March 14
Please also make sure to book your air travel by Friday, March 14. Ensure that your flights align with the event dates. See the Air Registration page for booking details.
If you experience any difficulty during the registration process or have any event-related questions, please contact the ADS United COE Team: ADSUEvents@jshay.events.
We look forward to celebrating your achievements with you in Scottsdale!